Payment Security
Credit Card Security
In line with current legislation for the recording and storing of credit and debit card information, we at Humvee-Graphics do not at any point capture and store credit card information on our servers or in hard copy anywhere. All transactions are handled by our payment gateway partner PayPal.
Our online shop utilises a secure encrypted connection to PayPal and your card details are only ever provided to PayPal by you. PayPal advise us of a successful transaction and a transaction ID, they also send you a payment confirmation direct plus you will also receive a confirmation of an order from us when a successful transaction has completed.
PayPal's services conform to and exceed all necessary security requirements for managing your credit card transaction. Between ourselves and PayPal we only exchange confirmation of successful or failed transactions with unique identifiers to link the payment to the order.
Further details on PayPal security can be found by clicking this link. (will open a new browserwindow)
On-line Security
In addition to the above information about credit card security, this site also utilises 128-bit security ensuring that all personal data you send to us is fully encrypted and protected from un-authorised sources.
We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.
New credit card payment option added, for those who prefer to use a credit card or would prefer their payment reach us by a means other than PayPAl we have added a credit card payment option by Stripe.
No sensitive data hits our servers, so no security headaches!
Thousands of small and large companies use Stripe to power commerce for their business.
Certified PCI level 1
Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification.
Two-factor authentication
Add an extra layer of security to your account by enabling two-factor authentication.
Find out more at